Information marketing is no doubt the best form of internet marketing, you no longer need to create your own product, you can hire a professional to help you do the job. Before creating any product, first do a research if the product will sell, this is good because if it won't sell then you may not make back your marketing cost. To know products or niches that will sell, look for one that is already selling and has much search on Google search engine. You can set it and allow affiliates to help you make sales and list. Information marketing though is a little bit professional, it is still the best if done well. You can create a product and create a website for it and then allow affiliates to promote it and in turn you pay them fifty percent per sale, here you do not need to drive traffic to your website, all you need do is notify affiliate marketers of your product and its relevance, then you will begin to see sales.
The first thing needed to start an information marketing business is a product to sell, always remember that products on health, weight loss, make money online, dog and guitar will always sell, so get a niche to write on, if you can not write well on the niche you can hire a professional to help you write an e-book and also help you proof read it for grammatical or spelling errors, once you have it, convert it to a PDF format and then you can create an e-cover and a sales page for it, make sure the sales letter is good enough to convince your visitors to buy your e-book. Also you will need to add an auto responder to your website.
About maximizing your profit, you will also do your own work of driving traffic to your sales page and also list your product on more merchant sites like, ClickBank, Amazon, click to sell, pay dot com and other sites, here you can offer affiliate marketers up to sixty percent commission per sale, this is an added advantage because they will drive traffic to your sales page for them to make money, so your auto responder list will increase and as they make sales you will also earn money without you working, so maximizing your profit comes from you still working to get more sales instead of relying on affiliates.
There are so many ways to drive massive traffic to your sales page, you can inform joint venture partners, about your new product, do press release, write and submit articles to article directories, register with related forums and look for post that your product can solve and then recommend your product to them, also by commenting on blogs that have high traffic and search engine rank with your sales page URL will increase your search engine ranking, thereby bringing in more traffic for you. You can also create blogs and then link them to your sales page.