Saturday, July 19, 2014

Information Products Business - Why Selling Short Reports Should Be the Focus of Your Business

One of the biggest hurdles people face when trying to start their information products business is creating their own information products to sell. The prospect of writing a 90 page ebooks can be really intimidating when you are not an expert in a topic. There is a simple way to get over this fear that very few marketers are taking advantage of, which is a shame. That way is creating short reports. In this article I'll introduce you to some of the benefits of using short reports as a basis for your information marketing business.

1.You can write a short report in a few hours. This means that slaving over a product for weeks at a time won't be an issue anymore. How long would it take you to write 7-20 pages? If you have a clear niche and outline to start with, you can easily do it in a few hours or less.

2. The low price point means higher conversions. You can sell a 10 page report for $7 pretty easily. The price is so low that you don't need a fancy sales letter, and you will have higher conversions because there is such a low bar to entry. Many people will buy these products on impulse because it is such a low financial commitment.

3. The supply of topics is endless. You can break down a large topic into many smaller topics to use as the basis for short reports in your information products business. For example, look in a non fiction book and notice the chapters. Each chapter can be a short report. So you can easily make 20 products out of one book! Similarly, look at a sales letters and notice the bullet points. Each one of those can be a short report. Now, think of all of the books and sales letters our there, not to mention various other sources for topics such as magazines. The topic can be very specific since the product is so short, and this results in expanding the number of potential ideas for products far beyond what you'd have for a more substantial product.

4. When other marketers are having success with their product, you can profit from their success by producing a complementary report on a similar topic. If a market has a successful product on link building techniques for example, you can product a short report on actual places where you can get high PR links. Use your imagination and piggyback on the success of others.

5. You can maximize the lifetime value of a customer. If you give your reports a theme, you can position them so that customers feel compelled to buy each report in your series. So you can have a 5 Minute Guide to Traffic, and a 5 Minute Guide to Product Creation, and a 5 Minute Guide to List Building, for example. In order to not feel as if they are missing part of the series, many customers will automatically buy all of the products in the series. This is a sure fire way to get tons of repeat sales for your information products business.