Are you trying to market your network marketing business online? Or would you like to do it but you don't know what the best ways are? I have been doing it for three years and have tried everything. Here are the top ten ways I have found to be successful in marketing your network marketing business online.
Write Articles- writing articles not only increases your links and search engine visibility but also establishes you as an expert. You want to make sure to write articles and submit them to directories but also to newsletters, and to specific websites. Find websites which focus on your target market and write articles specifically for these websites.
Blog- start your own blog and write a new post at least once a week. Make your posts interesting and useful to your readers. Write guest posts for other blogs as well to increase your expertise and linkage. Invite your readers to comment on your blog and take to heart what they say. Include video on your blog. Comment on other blogs with interesting and relevant comments and include a link back to your blog.
Social Networking- choose one social networking site to begin with and set a goal to meet and connect with as many people as possible. Focus on building relationships and on offering value to others. Avoid spamming and trying to make a sale. Social networking does not offer an immediate payback but the long-term results are well worth it.
Squidoo- This website offers a combination of blogging and social networking and is great for link building. Create a few business oriented lenses and a few lenses based on your hobbies, famous people or other interesting topics. Keep them updated and promote them on your blog and other websites. You will be amazed how much traffic you will get from Squidoo.
Free Ecourse- offer people the chance to opt-in to receive a series of free emails all about a related topic. It can be business oriented or not. Include some business promotion in your emails without being too pushy or sales oriented.
Forums and Message Boards- Visit two or three of these regularly and offer value and start interesting conversations. Build relationships with the regular visitors and include a catchy signature file at the end of all of your posts. Focus on the knowledge that you can share with others.
Niche marketing- choose two or three specific niches within the larger category of network marketing and focus on marketing and building relationships with these people. Create one or more websites targeting these people. Offer value to them on these websites and have a specific plan on how you will reach them as well as what you will offer to them once you have made contact.
Online Parties- these can be great for making sales and additional contacts. You can reserve a room for a short period time for an inexpensive fee and you never know who will show up. It is also important to promote the party yourself for maximum success.
Branding you- make the focus of all of your internet marketing you and not your company and products. Everyone has the same products and the same company but there is only one you. Why are you unique? Find your unique talents that you can use and offer to others and emphasize on those.
Contests and Drawings- everyone loves free and you can create quite the buzz by offering a free contest or drawing. Know ahead of time exactly what the rules will be and stick to them. Make sure to choose a winner and to publicize the winner. Follow up with the rest of the entrants and offer them your products and opportunity.