Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why You Should Shop Online For Your Next Outdoor Furniture Purchase!

You are going to start shopping for a new piece of furniture. You have already devoted an entire day out of the upcoming weekend to furniture shopping. And all week, you are using every spare minute to prepare yourself for the hustle and bustle of weekend traffic, looking for the area of town with the most furniture stores to make your furniture shopping day as productive as possible. You may even be cutting out pictures and descriptions, doing research on brands, materials, color availability, and storing all of your magazine clippings and printouts in an organized shopping folder to take with you as you shop. So much work and you haven't even begun to shop yet. Hope you find what you are looking for on the first day at the 3 or 4 stores that you have time to visit before the day is over; otherwise you may find yourself fighting the same battle next weekend. There has to be a better way.... There is. Here are the top three reasons why you'll be better off shopping online for your next furniture purchase!


There's little more frustrating than knowing exactly what you want, spending all day looking for it, and not finding anything even close. Just about the only thing more aggravating is NOT knowing what you want and driving, store to store trying to find it!

When you shop online, you literally have thousands of merchants and hundreds of thousands of brands, models, colors, styles, and prices, all nicely arranged on a search results page in the order of relevance to what you are looking for, and all at the touch of a button. Don't like what you see in the first store, click the "back" button once, and try the next store. Sure beats fighting the heat, traffic, and rude sales people in store after store after store, and still not finding what you're looking for. And nowadays you can even browse the net on your phone, from the office, or anywhere!

Time Savings:

Of course you have better things to do all weekend than shop for furniture, like actually enjoying your new furniture! The trouble with shopping traditionally is the countless hours of research, reviews, paper articles, magazine clippings, picture printouts, and coupons you have to find and bring with you. Then once you've actually narrowed your search to a specific store, you have to find a parking space, walk in, wait to be greeted by 4 different lurking sales people who are watching your every move waiting to pounce on you to collect your money or sell you up the river on a piece of furniture you don't really even like!

Shopping on the World Wide Web eliminates all of the boundaries to convenience offered by traditional shopping and adds comfort, efficiency, precision, and a wider selection to your search and buying experience. Never before have you been able to more quickly and conveniently compare features, prices, colors, and inventory availability of all of the stores competing for your business. Shopping online adds a new dimension to your shopping experience...Time Savings!

Price Savings:

Last but certainly not least, is the amount of money you'll be saving when shopping online. Furniture stores, like all other stores, have to pay rent, utilities like electricity and water, sales taxes, payroll for their sales force and money to store their inventory. All of these costs are paid for with the proceeds from their furniture sales which reduces their net profit. These businesses compensate by raising their prices resulting in more of your money in their pocket!
When you shop online you pay a lower price simply because it costs less for online stores to operate than it does for brick and mortar stores. For instance, online stores often don't have sales people, rent, utilities, or inventory storage costs to pay, and therefore can offer the same products at drastically lower prices to you! In addition, if you're really lucky you can even find some that offer Free Shipping saving you even more!

In Summary, you stand to save substantially more time, effort, and money by shopping online. Whether you're using comparison shopping sites, or even just your favorite search engine, the deal of a lifetime may just be a click away! So save your gas and do your research and shopping at home next time to save money on your next Outdoor Furniture purchase!