If you operate your own business, or have considered looking into wholesale options for your company, access to a global trade portal is a good way to make connection to strengthen your supply chains and forge business success in new markets. With the Internet helping entrepreneurs and corporations expedite trade and financial negotiations, you may discover that a real-time trade environment is beneficial if you are in need of a specific product that is only available in Asia or Europe.
There are caveats, however, to doing business over the Internet. Just as eBay, for example, warns users to exercise caution when making bids on auctions, a business planning to invest thousands of dollars - even more - in a product or service from a unknown quantity should be aware of the legitimacy of the trade. One error in judgment could decide the fate of your company, so it is wise to research where you conduct trades and with whom.
When you browse a supply chain portal, find out who is behind the network. What experience do they have in international trade, and how long has the site been active? Is the registration page secure, and what features are offered? Is there a premium service, and does the site do a good job in filtering fraudulent profiles?
As you make new contacts online, use of a real-time trade forum can help secure the products you need to buy or have available. No matter where you do business, however, always keeps your eyes open and don't hesitate to ask the hard questions.