Creating information products is often a great challenge. It's one of the many questions I often get: How do I create an information product? I don't know what to write about. Well, here are 2 easy formulas that I personally use to create my information products without bursting my brain cells:
Easy Formula #1: The "Tips" Formula
Simply take any topic that people need help with, and compile a set of tips. It can be 10 tips that you cover in detail, or 101 tips. Personally, I have found that the more tips you have, the more people will respond to your offer. People love having the power of choice, and giving something like 101 tips gives them choice.
Easy Formula #2: The Step-By-Step Formula
Another way is to take a set of tips and create a step-by-step formula or system that will help people achieve other goals. This should be a system you use yourself, and you know has given you results. Your steps could consist of 7 steps or even more than 20 steps. Then go through each step in detail, explaining how to do it. People love having a step-by-step plan as it makes things easier to do and follow. Again, I emphasize, this must be a system you use yourself to help solve the problem or achieve the goal.
So that's 2 easy formulas you can start using to create information products. Having these outlines make it easier to plan the creation of your information product. And even if you still can't write it, you have a plan to present to a freelancer to get the job done.