That's right shop online at own your own mall, some malls with over 800 of your favorite stores and shops. Although most people do not yet shop on line the online shopping phenomenon is growing by leaps and bounds and it presents opportunities for people interested in the business aspects of this phenomenon.
Think about it; you can do your shopping whenever you like 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. You can sit in front of your computer in your "bunny slippers" and you don't even have to get dressed or endure the rain or snow or heat or cold or schlepping all those packages out to the car and then unloading them when you get home. How many reasons do you need to shop online?
Your objection may be, "but I have to go to all those different websites and some of them have weird address so I have to look them up and that's frustrating for me", the answer is no you don't. Online shopping has become so simple and efficient that you will wonder why you haven't done this sooner. Another popular objection is "I like to try things on before I buy them". Great! go to the store of your choice online; buy a gift certificate, take advantage of any special deals that store may have online that likely is not available at the store, and then go to that store and try on whatever you plan on buying. And finally the objection; "but I have to pay for shipping", maybe. Many online stores offer free shipping when a certain amount is spent by the consumer.
Generally speaking when shopping online the price you pay will be less than you pay at the store simply because the online site eliminates all that overhead that a traditional brick and mortar store is burdened with, the employees, light bill, air conditioning, etc.
The online mall enables you to comparison shop without running from store to store. Some online malls will put up the individual store icons on a single page, simply click on the store icons and compare the product and price. That's it.
There is at least one online mall that will pay you a percentage of what you spend in cash; some offer other incentives for shopping on their sites. Some malls offer "green sites" in addition to the traditional stores other sites offer a network marketing business opportunity that enables you to participate in the growth of this exploding phenomenon. Whatever your interests may be they can be found at the online mall.