Making a living from information marketing is not always easy. In fact, many do not succeed in their information marketing ventures. Here are 5 sure-fire ways to increase your profits per sale from information marketing:
1. Turn Your Product Into A Continuity Program
Instead of selling a product that only collects payments one-time, why not set up a membership site as one of your products that automatically bills your customers every month? That's like guaranteed money in the bank every month, if your customers stay enrolled in the membership.
2. Create An 'Upsell' Product
Create a product that's a bigger package than your front end product . Perhaps you can add in an audio or video component of your ebook, bonus interviews or bonus software. Promote this product on your order page as an upsell.
3. Create A 'Downsell' Product
A downsell product is the product that is presented after your customer rejects your upsell product. This is typically a 'watered down' version of your upsell product. It is another chance to grab additional sales while your customer is in a buying mood.
4. Promote Related Products On Your Download Page
On your download page or thank you page, promote related affiliate products or other products that you have. This is yet another chance to grab more sales.
5. Build A Mailing List!
Most important of all, build a mailing list. It allows you to follow-up with your customers on related product offers. As they say, the money is in the list, and if you build a list, it will only be beneficial and result in increased profits for your business.